
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Every little thing happens for the best

"Every little thing happens for the best"

Cliche? Yeah, but I'm a big believer of this saying.. I guess I started believing in this only a about 5 years ago, but since then, life has been better!

No, it's not some magic mantra that will make your life go from bad to better, it's actually logic. It is the simple matter of seeking the positive in every situation and learning from every life event. It relieves you from stress, helps you get up and move on with life faster and ensure you never make the same mistake twice!

For an example, you break up with someone? That is not the end of the world! in a couple months or years you will look back and see that it happened for the best, that you would not have met "the one" unless that relationship didn't work out!

Like Steve Jobbs said "You can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path."

(When Steve Jobbs died everyone started watching his speeches and all that and so did I, and listening to his Stanford Commencement speech I had a 'Yes! Exactly! I get what you mean!' moment because I knew what he was talking about.)

Everything from broken relationships to the university you went to, to the party you went to meet your husband to the accident or illness that happened to you that made you stronger happened for a reason. It happened to make you stronger, to teach you more about yourself, to make you better person.

Today is my last day of freedom. Haha no really, for the next six months I will be employed at a dream company with the job I hoped for. And looking back the decision I took to come to Seattle and all other failed attempts at finding a job happened for the best! Finally, after a couple of months out here I got a job which I think is a good start to my career that will help me get some good experience for the future.

It's a temporary position and may not work out due to all the crap immigration and sponsorship issues, but even if it doesn't I'm sure it will happen for the best reason, maybe there's something better for me after that? who knows?

All we can do is make the best out of everything, believe that every little thing happens for the best reason and when you look back you will know that it's true. Because at the end everything will be okay, if it's not, it's not the end :)

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